Cru is a campus ministry that is about two things: Jesus and Community.
We think that Jesus is the greatest person to ever live and that our relationship with him is the most fulfilling thing on earth. We believe this so much that we want everyone in DC to have the opportunity to know him too. In fact, Jesus is really the whole reason we exist and he is the focus of our mission: Cru is a community where the gospel captures hearts, transforms lives and launches men and women into a lifelong adventure with Jesus.
The second thing we are about is community. Nobody likes to be alone and so we make it a priority to have an incredible community. While probably no one in Cru knows everyone else in Cru, there are so many interconnected groups of close-knit friends that there’s a place for everyone to get involved. But we don’t stop there. We’re not content to just be a community together. We want our community to grow, which is where our love for Jesus and our natural desire for community come together.
There are so many ways to connect to our community: small group bible studies (we call them community groups), weekly large group meetings, conferences & retreats, etc. Keep checking our social media and website for more info.